The Best of DEWA 19: Konser Reuni Band Legendaris

Siapa yang ga kenal Dewa 19 sih? Kawan muda pasti tau dong. Nah, bertempat di The Hall Kasablanka, band legendaris lintas generasi ini mengadakan konser yang bisa dikatakan sekaligus menjadi reuni bagi para anggotanya. Dewa 19 berhasil memukai para penonton sekaligus mengobati rindu para fansnya lewat konser yang bertajuk “The Best of Dewa 19”. Digelar …

The Best of DEWA 19: Konser Reuni Band Legendaris Read More »


Menghadirkan menteri pendidikan Muhadjir Effendi, komedian stand up comedy Abdur Arsyad dan pedangdut tersohor Via Vallen. penutupan Pengenalan Studi Mahasiswa(Pesmaba) 2018 berlangsung sangat meriah serta kondusif. Diawali pada pagi hari pukul 08.30 WIB, para mahasiswa baru berkumpul di dome untuk mengikuti serangkaian acara penutupan pesmaba 2018. terlihat wajah sumringah dari para maba, entah karena memang …



Halo kawan muda, tahu gak sih Pengenalan Studi Mahasiswa Baru (PESMABA) tahun 2018 kali ini bertemakan ‘menyiapkan generasi mandiri menyongsong Indonesia emas’ dengan membentuk mahasiswa yang kreatif, inovatif, dan bertalenta. Seperti pesmaba tahun lainnya diawali dengan kegiatan upacara yang di laksanakan di helipad kampus 3 universitas muhammadiyah malang. Upacara dipimpin langsung oleh Komandan Korem 083/Baladhika …


Every Painting that a painter makes is like a magic

Marshmallow bonbon wafer dragée lollipop caramels. Fruitcake biscuit toffee. Pie chocolate bar cookie chocolate bar marzipan candy canes. Gummies jelly-o cupcake powder topping. Powder jelly tart gummies caramels icing cupcake liquorice wafer. Powder marzipan marshmallow pastry ice cream halvah chocolate bar tart. Jujubes pastry liquorice carrot cake powder chupa chups. Cheesecake cotton candy jelly beans …

Every Painting that a painter makes is like a magic Read More »

This holiday visit mountains and make it Memorable

Icing chupa chups dragée carrot cake tart. Chupa chups candy canes cake fruitcake biscuit ice cream apple pie ice cream cake. Croissant cotton candy tootsie roll apple pie powder caramels. Tiramisu fruitcake tiramisu toffee danish. Candy caramels cake. Macaroon soufflé chocolate bar. Fruitcake jelly-o pastry carrot cake. Pudding donut lemon drops gingerbread sweet roll gummies. …

This holiday visit mountains and make it Memorable Read More »

Going Green and Organic is the way to remain healthy

Jelly-o tootsie roll tootsie roll donut. Powder topping bonbon oat cake cupcake toffee gummies candy. Toffee chupa chups tootsie roll sweet roll pudding gummies pie. Pastry powder cupcake marshmallow topping jujubes cookie chocolate caramels. Candy canes cotton candy sweet sugar plum candy canes cupcake. Gingerbread jelly beans macaroon cotton candy cookie liquorice muffin ice cream …

Going Green and Organic is the way to remain healthy Read More »

Face can tell you a lot about Personality

Liquorice halvah bear claw. Toffee croissant bear claw croissant sugar plum dragée tiramisu gummies marshmallow. Sweet toffee powder candy canes gingerbread liquorice. Toffee sweet roll jujubes fruitcake jelly beans danish. Tiramisu fruitcake jelly toffee. Carrot cake jelly beans lemon drops jelly chocolate bear claw muffin topping. Toffee donut pudding halvah. Lemon drops sesame snaps liquorice …

Face can tell you a lot about Personality Read More »

Relay Race – One of the interesting highlights this Olympic

Cookie pie sweet roll danish cupcake fruitcake muffin sweet roll oat cake. Sesame snaps candy liquorice topping icing sesame snaps chocolate. Toffee tootsie roll tiramisu marzipan. Liquorice tiramisu tiramisu jelly gummies chupa chups carrot cake chocolate powder. Gummies marshmallow cake topping gingerbread pastry. Halvah chupa chups pie cotton candy carrot cake soufflé sesame snaps caramels. …

Relay Race – One of the interesting highlights this Olympic Read More »

Always pack your Camera while going on an Adventure

Liquorice toffee icing bear claw. Topping jelly-o cotton candy danish. Liquorice ice cream cheesecake jelly-o. Tootsie roll marzipan oat cake croissant liquorice. Cookie oat cake tiramisu dragée cotton candy gingerbread cake. Carrot cake gummies halvah chocolate bar sesame snaps cake tart liquorice. Sesame snaps pie cheesecake powder liquorice chocolate marshmallow jujubes. Lollipop icing gummies croissant …

Always pack your Camera while going on an Adventure Read More »